Alex needs a plan. He doesn’t like medicine, but he wants to feel better. What will he do with the bottle of green medicine?

Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old
Bedtime Stories for 4-6 years old

Engagement Questions for “Alex’s Super Medicine”

Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:

Creativity & Imagination:

  1. If you were Alex, how would you make taking medicine more fun?
  2. Can you think of a superhero who takes their medicine to stay strong? What would their powers be?
  3. Imagine a world where medicines come in different flavors and colors. What would be your favorite?

Feelings & Emotions:

  1. How do you think Alex felt when he had to take the green medicine?
  2. Have you ever had to do something you didn’t like but knew it would make you feel better? How did you handle it?
  3. How do you feel after overcoming something you were scared or unsure about?

Nature & Science:

  1. Why do we need to take medicine when we’re sick? How does it help our bodies?
  2. What are some natural remedies that people use to feel better?
  3. How do doctors and scientists create medicines to help us get well?

✍️ Written by: Kim Rex

🎨 Illustrated by: Heather Jenkins

🎭 Designed by: Anita van der Merwe

📝 Edited by: Angela Briggs

In partnership with Book Dash (

* The story Alex’s Super Medicine is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.

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