One day, Fafa woke up with Grumpy Cloud. Mama and Fafa tried to make Grumpy Cloud go away.

Engagement Questions for “Grumpy Cloud”
Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:
Creativity & Imagination
- If you were a cloud, what kind of shape would you like to be?
- What do you think made the cloud so grumpy? How would you cheer it up?
- Can you imagine a story where the grumpy cloud turns into something magical? What happens next?
Feelings & Emotions
- Have you ever felt grumpy like the cloud? What helped you feel better?
- How do you think the other clouds felt when they saw Grumpy Cloud?
- What would you say to a friend who was feeling grumpy to cheer them up?
Nature & Science
- What do clouds do in the sky? How do they change?
- What happens when a cloud gets too full of rain?
- Can you name different types of clouds? Which one do you like best?
✍️ Written by: Oarabetse Ditlhareng
🎨 Illustrated by: Neil Badenhorst
🎭 Designed by: Mbali Magubane
📝 Edited by: Tiffany Mac Sherry
In partnership with Book Dash (
* The story Grumpy Cloud is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.