It’s a beautiful day for a picnic. Everyone wants to join in the fun.

Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old
Bedtime stories for 0-3 year old

Engagement Questions for “A Beautiful Day”

Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:

Creativity & Imagination

  • If you could plan your perfect picnic, where would it be and who would you invite?
  • What games would you play during your picnic?
  • Can you draw a picture of your ideal picnic spot?

Feelings & Emotions

  • How do you think Nicholas felt when everyone joined the picnic?
  • Why is it fun to share special days with friends and family?
  • Have you ever felt excited about a family outing? Share your experience.

Nature & Science

  • What animals did Nicholas and his family meet on their way to the picnic?
  • Why is it important to spend time outdoors?
  • Can you name some birds you might see near a river?

✍️ Written by: Elana Bregin

🎨 Illustrated by: Lindy Pelzl

🎭 Designed by: Raeesah Vawda

In partnership with Book Dash (

* The story A Beautiful Day is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.

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