Phyllis Spira was dancing by the age of four. That was just the beginning of her journey towards becoming one of South Africa’s Prima Ballerinas.

 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old
 Bedtime stories for 4-6 year old

Engagement Questions for “A Dancer’s Tale”

Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:

Creativity & Imagination:

  • If you could create a dance inspired by your favorite animal, what would it look like?
  • Imagine you’re a famous dancer traveling the world. Which countries would you visit, and what dances would you perform?
  • How would you design a costume for a magical dance performance? What colors and materials would you use?

Feelings & Emotions:

  • How do you think Phyllis felt when she danced for the first time?
  • Can you remember a time when you learned something new? How did it make you feel?
  • How do you think Phyllis felt when she started a dance school for children?

Nature & Science:

  • How do you think animals move when they dance in the wild?
  • Can you think of any dances that are inspired by nature, like the wind or the ocean?
  • How does music make our bodies want to move and dance?

✍️ Written by: Samantha Cutler

🎨 Illustrated by: Thea Nicole de Klerk

🎭 Designed by: Roberto Pita 

📝 Edited by: Lisa Treffry-Goatley

In partnership with Book Dash (

* The story A Dancer’s Tale is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.

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