Phyllis Spira was dancing by the age of four. That was just the beginning of her journey towards becoming one of South Africa’s Prima Ballerinas.

Engagement Questions for “A Dancer’s Tale”
Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:
Creativity & Imagination:
- If you could create a dance inspired by your favorite animal, what would it look like?
- Imagine you’re a famous dancer traveling the world. Which countries would you visit, and what dances would you perform?
- How would you design a costume for a magical dance performance? What colors and materials would you use?
Feelings & Emotions:
- How do you think Phyllis felt when she danced for the first time?
- Can you remember a time when you learned something new? How did it make you feel?
- How do you think Phyllis felt when she started a dance school for children?
Nature & Science:
- How do you think animals move when they dance in the wild?
- Can you think of any dances that are inspired by nature, like the wind or the ocean?
- How does music make our bodies want to move and dance?
✍️ Written by: Samantha Cutler
🎨 Illustrated by: Thea Nicole de Klerk
🎭 Designed by: Roberto Pita
📝 Edited by: Lisa Treffry-Goatley
In partnership with Book Dash (
* The story A Dancer’s Tale is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.