Today is a very busy day. Come to town with Mama and me!

Engagement Questions for “A Very Busy Day”
Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:
Creativity & Imagination:
- If you could go on an adventure with Mama, where would you go and what would you do?
- Can you imagine what other colorful things the girl and her Mama might see in the city?
- What do you think the girl and her Mama will do after they return home from their busy day?
Feelings & Emotions:
- How do you think the girl feels while exploring the city with her Mama?
- Have you ever had a busy day like the girl in the story? How did it make you feel?
- What do you think makes spending time with family special?
Nature & Science:
- What different sounds do you think the girl and her Mama hear in the bustling city?
- How do you think the city changes from morning to night during their busy day?
- What types of transportation do the girl and her Mama see in the city, and how do they work?
✍️ Written by: Chisanga Mukuka
🎨 Illustrated by: Joey Kok
🎭 Designed by: Christian Mokuba
📝 Edited by: El Marto
In partnership with Book Dash (
* The story A very busy day! is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.