Today is a very busy day. Come to town with Mama and me!

Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old

Engagement Questions for “A Very Busy Day”

Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:

Creativity & Imagination:

  1. If you could go on an adventure with Mama, where would you go and what would you do?
  2. Can you imagine what other colorful things the girl and her Mama might see in the city?
  3. What do you think the girl and her Mama will do after they return home from their busy day?

Feelings & Emotions:

  1. How do you think the girl feels while exploring the city with her Mama?
  2. Have you ever had a busy day like the girl in the story? How did it make you feel?
  3. What do you think makes spending time with family special?

Nature & Science:

  1. What different sounds do you think the girl and her Mama hear in the bustling city?
  2. How do you think the city changes from morning to night during their busy day?
  3. What types of transportation do the girl and her Mama see in the city, and how do they work?

✍️ Written by: Chisanga Mukuka

🎨 Illustrated by: Joey Kok 

🎭 Designed by: Christian Mokuba 

📝 Edited by: El Marto

In partnership with Book Dash (

* The story A very busy day! is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.

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