Amahle wants to help, but all she hears is “NO”. Is there anything she’ll be allowed to do?

Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old
Bedtime Stories for 0-3 years old

Engagement Questions for “Amahle Wants to Help”

Encourage creativity and conversation with kids using these fun discussion questions:

Creativity & Imagination:

  1. If you were Amahle, what other ways would you try to help around the house?
  2. Can you think of a special job that only you can do to help your family?
  3. Imagine a day where everyone in your family has a special task. What would each person do?

Feelings & Emotions:

  1. How do you think Amahle felt when she was told “no” repeatedly?
  2. Can you remember a time when you wanted to help but couldn’t? How did that make you feel?
  3. How do you feel when someone appreciates your help?

Nature & Science:

  1. Why is it important for everyone in a family to help each other?
  2. What are some tasks that are safe for young children to do to help at home?
  3. How does helping each other make a family stronger?

✍️ Written by: Refilwe Nsibande  

🎨 Illustrated by: Kelly Brown

🎭 Designed by: Monique Cleghorn

📝 Edited by: Katie Huston

In partnership with Book Dash (

* The story Amahle wants to help! is a Book Dash story and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Minor changes may have been made for ease of reading on our site.

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